Sunday, April 13, 2008

Single is not a disease

So I'm 29, not saying I'm old, but old enough to consider the possibility that I may be single for a time to come if not the rest of my life. Now single would not be my first choice, however the idea does not send me into a debilitating coma (I've noticed it does this to most girls.) I find it frustrating though whenever I voice this possibility to others the response is immediately "Oh, I'm sure you are going to get married." As if the hope of getting married is all that will keep me going on this journey of life alone. As if I must have hope or I can't go on! For once I would like someone to say, "If so, that is OK." For someone to say that it is a noble calling to be single, and that you can be of more available use to the Kingdom of God single. Like the Apostle Paul said. Often I look at the people I'm close to who are married and let me tell you, my life is much simpler. And often times seeing them makes me a bit thankful for my singleness. Now each one of them would swear up and down the it is well worth the hassle to enjoy the wonders of marriage. And I don't doubt its wonderful, but my life's not so bad.

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